I have had class every day since Monday, and
today is Wednesday. I have to get early (7:30am) two times per week, today
included. But wow, I am really out of shape as far as sleep goes, because only
getting 7hours of sleep as compared to my usual 11.5 is having an effect on me.
I am proud that I have been able to do it thought. I crash hard at the end of
the day though….and I take a nap about 3 hours before I got bed ha-ha. Going to
college on the Virginia Beach campus made me feel like a “real” college student
for approximately 10 minutes. The Virginia Beach campus is the largest of all
the campuses of my college, and it seems almost like a university. As I walked
through the path surrounded by geese and squirrels I saw a few students smoking
a cigarette, I saw a girl talking on her cell phone, and I saw some skater fly
by on his cool dude skate board. I took in the eloquence of this scene and realized
that this is what people my age are supposed to be used to and feel familiar
with. This experience for me was suddenly frightening and new; I was used to
walking the narrow halls of a psychiatric hospital with a hospital band on my wrist
– identifying me as a captive of psychiatric life. I was used to sitting in Milieus
at 9:30pm drugged on Seroquel with the rest of the crowd who just wanted to go
to bed. The thought of this kind of
life was surreal to me. Yet here I am sitting in a classroom of 30 other people
between the ages of 18 and 55, and no one knows my sinister past but me.
College really does feel odd, but I don’t mind it. I don’t particularly like
it, it just is kind of boring at the moment, and I know, I know I just started,
and if I was in Anatomy and Physiology I would be pulling my hair out and going
crazy with stress. I suppose this is better. I am gradually working towards
something that I have no idea what it is.
I left off last time with my being readmitted
from PHP to Inpatient in April or May of 2011. I was pissed but whatever I was
being a little fucker in PHP anyway. I was secretly happy I was back inpatient;
the compulsion to do a little bit of exercise was gone because I knew it would
not happen when I was inpatient. It’s like the same feeling of dropping a
completely brat kid off at daycare or summer camp for a day, you don’t have to
deal with it for the time being. That’s how it was with my eating disorder when
I was inpatient (most of the time), the brat kid (eating disorder) had to
follow the rules. I had to eat snack every night at 8:30 or 8:45 whatever, and
I had to fall once again into the monotone of inpatient life. It was very short
lived. A new personality was beginning to form within me and I was becoming
more manipulative and conniving than ever before. Before I signed myself in the
middle of May 2011 I was watching the news with some other patients late at
night on May 3, 2011 and someone randomly said “hey they killed Osama bin Laden”.
I was so confused at first then I was so happy!! I was, and still am a Navy
brat and what matters even more; I was outside the continental United States on
September 11, 2001 so I saw the reaction of the military through my own 9 year
old eyes. Since 9/11 I had always hoped the bastard would be caught, and
finally he was dead. What a great distraction from my own eating disordered
thoughts! Even cooler was my own dad was in Afghanistan, and I knew he
had nothing to do with killing the monster but I still thought it was cool. It
really did have a profound effect on me. I will reiterate something I said in
one of my first blog entries. I never had a traditional “trauma”, but I did
have things happen that were traumatic to me, one of which was 9/11 for some
reason. I was living on a small navy base and I loved it and it was my way of
life. I had lived on a Military Base my entire life at that point. I also did
not understand the extent to which evil took over a person. On 9/11 when I watched
the live feed of fox news in Manhattan and I saw the United Airlines Flight 175
slice through the South Tower of the World Trade Center, I understood right
then and there – there are evil mother fuckers in this world. So when Osama
bin Laden was killed it was a land mark in my mind, I was thrilled, and you
better believe I bought the movie “Zero Dark Thirty”, and watched it about 20
By now I am sure some people are thinking “Hey
Marissa, why don’t you join the military since you are so interested in that”?
Simply put: I can’t. Due to the extensive history of my mental illness and
eating disorder I have permanently damaged myself in the minds of the big ass military
officials. They also do not want anyone coming into the military on psychiatric
medications. Well that alone pushes me so far out of the loop. I will most
likely have to be on psychiatric medication of some sort for most if not all of
my life. There have been a few times when I have come off of it, and I am a
mess. I cry, I am depressed, and I even feel physically sick. However, coming
off medications is possible if you have an educated M.D. watching over you. The
point being made here is that due to my eating disorder primarily, I am not
able to serve my country in the military, and I have always loved the military
(so I thought). I was GI Jane Marissa. I played with Barbie’s sometimes but the
majority of the time I played with army figures from dollar tree, pretending to
set off missiles and sending my bad ass army men on missions to get the
assholes who flew our own plans through our own towers. Tis the price I pay
though. Now I am on a quest to figure out what some other perfect career.
I signed a 72 hour notice within a week of being
back inpatient and my psychiatrist was not happy but I was at a healthy weight
and there was almost no debatable reason to keep me. So I went home, and I went
back to high school for the last barley month and a half of my entire high
school career. I went back to my job in the guidance office and the cheers and
the praises I got was disgusting. “Marissa your face is so bright, Marissa you
look so healthy!” Marissa you are fat,
was all I heard. There was no dietician this time, but I was going to be seeing
a new therapist who my parents had tried to get me in with since forever. She
was one of the only “eating disorder specialists”, in our area. This therapist
was truly amazing; she was one of the most intelligent people I have ever met.
Along with her intelligence came compassion and a desire to help. Her
intelligence reminded me of that of the Director of the Johns Hopkins Eating
Disorder Program I had seen long ago, but this woman was different. She was
kind, she listened and I completely trusted her, because I knew she knew her
shit. I am going to skip to the point. One day she came said to me “Marissa, I
don’t think your eating disorder is your primary issue, I believe you have
something called Borderline Personality
Disorder, and your eating disorder is a ‘symptom’ of your personality
disorder”. I was so brought aback at this, no one had ever considered me
anything more than depressed or anxious, other than just sickly eating
disordered. I remembered I had read a book about Borderline Personality Disorder;
no this is not where you hear voices and see things you shouldn’t, this also
isn’t Multiple Personalities Disorder
in which there are several personalities in one person. No, this was very different
from both. This is one of my main diagnoses as of today and it is a struggle
because it leaves people having intense emotions, confused identity, self-hatred,
and there are many more sub-symptoms. Look it up if you like. This Psychologist
was brilliant for suggesting this diagnosis because finally there was something
more than “just Marissa is Anorexic”. There was an underlying problem that
might be causing it. Further investigation has lead me to believe that there is
a certain amount of eating disordered patients that do have Borderline
Personality Disorder, hence a symptom of Borderline is Binge Eating (or chaotic
eating in general). This new revelation left me feeling upset yet gratified for
another answer to my “problems”.
You too! I'm also borderline... amongst other things.... Keep up the great work Marissa!!!