Sunday, July 28, 2013

New Blog Update yayy :) It has been a while :)

Well what can I say it has been a very long time since I have done a blog entry and I have no good reason, other than I have been in school since May, and I have been going through a depressive episode. It is not an excuse though and I am sorry for all those who like to read these blog entries. Now that I get a little break from school I hope to get back into this.

I suppose the first entry should be what I have been doing with my time these last couple months. I have had school four days per week for 2 hours per day which does not seem like a lot at all but considering I have to drive about half an hour both ways to one of the classes it adds up. I have been in therapy with a new therapist and I have been continuing to see a psychiatrist, one I had been seeing back in my “anorexic years” actually. When I started seeing her again she was under the impression I had a minor slip up with depression and I had taken a small break from 4-year University. Sorry Dr. Hyder tis not the case, I am still the helpless 10th grade girl you knew back in 2009 only now I am in a different body and instead of anorexia nervosa I am facing life consuming manic depression (Bipolar Disorder). So she was surprised to say the least, and had to fiddle around with my medications but during our second appointment she decided it appropriate to tell me she is moving practices and it just so happens that the practice she is moving to has no female therapists so I decided not to follow her to her new practice. I had my last appointment with her a week ago and this week I have an appointment with a Psychiatrist at the practice where I am seeing my therapist. I think it will work out well, because my new and previous Psychiatrist knew one another, all the Psychiatrists from Pakistan in this area know each other – LoL! We will see how it goes and I will be sure to let you all know how it goes.

My appointments with my therapist have been going surprisingly well too. This is new for me because I don’t usually like my therapists, and within a few weeks I kick them to the dirt. My therapist has her Ph.D. and she is an older-middle aged women who is just very kind and I really like her. She is aware of my past history with anorexia has well as my current issues. She is wonderful and I plan to stick with her as long as insurance approves.

Home life has been stressful at times even unbearable and at others just damn right un tolerable, but home still has the comfort of my parents, my dog, and the environment I have called my shell since the age of 15. It has been my jacket during the cold, it has been my warm bed at night, it has been the dog I snuggle up with at night when I have no friends or romantic partner to talk to, it is my mom who I talk to about my issues when no one else is listening, so unfortunately it is my “safe zone”. Moving out is going to be hard but the time will come, and I have even tried to move out but I simply do not have the finances to move out at the moment. I would love to pick up and move to Baltimore and see the world renowned treatment providers at Sheppard Pratt Hospital- because believe it or not they too are a comfort for me, but I simply do not have the resources to move on my own. Also, my best of all friends live in the Baltimore area, so I certainly plan to move to Maryland as soon as I get my shit straight and my money saved up. They are also some of the top readers of this blogJ.  I would like to believe anyway.

I suppose there must be a small bit of just me, how I am feeling what is going through my head. To be honest I have a million things going through my head, and at the same time I have nothing at all in my head, I feel the world closing in on me. I will use the analogy I have used many a time. My head is like the ocean, at the top of the ocean it is lively with boats, animals, waves, fish, wind, anything you can imagine, but at the bottom of the sea it is dead and quiet where submarines lay from World War 1 and 2. There is nothing going on down there it is empty and quiet. That is my mind right there. I just want it to stop too. That is how I am with everything, from making decisions about what to eat to making school, financial, and career decisions, there is no straight reliable function everything is all over the place. One day it will stop. Every ocean is still at some point and so will my mind.

The good news is I will graduate my two classes this summer with A’s. When I put my head to do something I usually do well. It is just getting through the task that is hard for me. I have a hard time starting something and not giving up. The last 1-2 weeks of the classes I wanted to give up because I felt despair and I was just so sick of being in school. Well I need to get over that because I have a very long, long way to go. I am only 9 credits into a major, and I don’t even know what that major is yet. As of now I am thinking about doing a Certified Nursing Assistant Class in the fall so I can get a job and just make some money, but who knows the ocean (my mind), changes very fast and it is likely that my decision will change, but maybe with encouragement I will stick with the plan. There are just some parts of nursing aide jobs that I don’t want to do. My friend gave me her nursing aide book and I was looking through it and they teach CAN’s how to restrains people and I have seen people get restrained and it’s not a welcoming site. That is getting very personal for me. It hits a nerve for me and I can’t ever see myself restraining someone. I would work in an assisted living facility rather a nursing home though because residents of an assisted living home are much more functional than that of a nursing home. Working in a hospital would be most ideal I think. Especially if it was with children or labor and delivery units because I don’t think they would need to be restrained for any reason.

I think that is all I can think of at the moment but I will have another blog entry later this weekJ.

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